LibraryWake up! |
.pdf documents.
- Webster Tarpley - 911 Synthetic Terror (2004)
- David Kay - The Big Lie, 911 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder (2005)
- Alex Jones - 911 Decent into Tyranny
- David Ray Griffin - The New Pearl Harbor. Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 911 (2004)
- Rodney Stich - Blowback 911 And Cover-Ups (2005)
- Dr John Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300
- Ron Paul - The Lessons of 911
- David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center (Chap 1-7)
- David Icke - Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion
- Webster Tarpley - George Bush -- The Unauthorised Biography
- Michael C. Ruppert - Crossing the Rubicon (2004)
- Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
- Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
This is where the PNAC speaks of a "New Pearl Harbor" on page 51. - Patriot Act
- Victory Act (Patriot Act 2) Draft
- 9/11 Commission (Omission) Report
- Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)
- Declassified Operation Northwoods Document
Posted by Awesumo 04.09.07
Important Subjects
- 9/11
- OKC bombing
- 7/7 London Bombings
- Afghanistan War
- Iraq war
- Iran war
- Global Elite (Illuminati, CFR, Trilateral, Freemasons, etc.)
- Vaccines/ Eugenics
- Torture
- Police State
- War on Drugs
- FEMA Camps
- Child Abuse
- Money
- Katrina/ New Orleans
- Darfur
- Tibet
- Free Speech
- Alternative Energy Technologies
- Medical Technologies
- Aviation/Space
- Vegetarianism